New K-5 Family Guides Can Help Support Students’ Remote Learning

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As parents and caregivers continue to take on at-home education during the COVID-19 pandemic, new K-5 Family Guides in English and Spanish can help make the job a little easier in math and literacy. The...


High School and Beyond Planning: what’s new for 2020-21

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At the start of an unusual and challenging school year, many students, families, and educators are juggling a new way of engaging in education. With distance learning in effect across much of Washington, the future...


Parent Voices: Families reflect on remote learning challenges, successes

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This spring, families across Washington made the abrupt transition to learning at home because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents stepped up and assumed the new role of teaching their children academic subjects amidst stressful current...


Reimagining Expanded Learning Opportunities During COVID-19

Child care - School

Several years ago, when expanded learning opportunities (ELO) arrived for the first time at elementary school sites in Tacoma, students could choose from a variety of fun afterschool programs. At Edison Elementary School, activities included...


Educators Share Digital Learning Resources and Advice (Part 2)

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Are you an educator seeking tips on how to navigate remote learning using learning management systems (LMS)? Resources from the Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession’s Teacher Tech Project are here for you. Below, two...


Educators Share Digital Learning Resources and Advice (Part 1)

Pasco High School - Education

This fall, many districts in Washington state are returning to school remotely – making it necessary for teachers to sharpen their digital skills. Below, two Washington state teachers share their experiences with digital learning, advice...