Interview with Kim Reykdal, OSPI School Counseling Lead

School - ready

With the closure of school buildings and changes in routines because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we think it’s more important than ever for students to keep their goals in mind and work toward them. How...


Classroom Snapshot: ‘Character is just the combination of your choices.’

Ridgeline Middle School - Ryan Healy

“Character is just the combination of your choices.” That’s how Ridgeline Middle School teacher Ryan Healy summarizes the content of the character development classes he teaches. Near the end of his first semester course with...


Classroom Snapshot: On-The-Spot Admissions at Rogers High School

Verona Area High School - School

Report to Room 143. Bring your SAT or ACT scores and a laptop or smart phone. Fill out a short online application. Sit down for 5-10 minutes with an admission counselor. Boom – you may...


Back to School Resources

Poster - Graphic design

The Ready Washington coalition is set for the new school year, with new resources to support students, educators, and families.  The first resource we’re sharing is a back-to-school fact sheet about Washington State’s Learning Standards...


Newport students keep ‘active minds’ during The Summer of STEM

Kindergarten - Recreation

The recipe for summer learning in Newport, Wash., looks like one part science lab, one part reading room, and two parts fun. The 80 students participating in The Summer of STEM program are building roller coasters, creating...


GUEST POST: Puzzling, Questioning, Wondering, Cooperating, Problem Solving

Mammal - Education

By Josh Simondet, 8th grade science teacher at Morris E. Ford Middle School in Tacoma Science is not done in a straight line. Regardless of traditional lessons on the scientific method, rarely are questions about our...