High School and Beyond Plan Webpage

Learning - Classroom

With more than 740,000 job openings coming to our state over the next five years, students can choose from many different career options. How can students explore and plan an education-to-career pathway that’s right for...


Resource for Counselors: Talk with Your Students About Their Futures!

Discussion - Panel discussion

School counselors, we know there is never enough time in the day to meet with students, talk with parents, provide lessons to build social and emotional health, and the many other responsibilities that are part...


Las Voces De Los Padres: Apoyando a Nuestros Estudiantes

Los padres tienen altas expectativas para que sus hijos puedan estar preparados para graduarse y continuar con una carrera profesional. ¿Por qué es importante para ti que tus hijos reciban una educación de alta calidad?...


Parent Voices: “Education Opens Doors”

Education - Learning

Why do education and high expectations matter to Washington parents? “Freedom of education opens doors in the future,” said Brandon, a Kent School District parent. “Education and lifelong learning are going to get you where...


Help Your Child Plan Their Path

Product - Product design

Families have so many things to consider when it comes to education. This infographic can help you understand key checkpoints and milestones for your student as they progress through middle and high school. Use this...