Did you know one out of five people has a disability?

Graphic design - Human

What do a water fountain, grass, and an old journal have in common? They all represent important vocabulary words in a new lesson from the Office of Education Ombuds (OEO) about Disability History Month, which happens...


Back to School Resources

Poster - Graphic design

The Ready Washington coalition is set for the new school year, with new resources to support students, educators, and families.  The first resource we’re sharing is a back-to-school fact sheet about Washington State’s Learning Standards...


CORElaborate Teacher Leader: First Stop Kindergarten, Next Stop College

Graduation ceremony - School

Note: The following blog post was originally published by Jill Woodruff on CORElaborateWA.org. Jill is a Kindergarten teacher at Alpac Elementary School in the Auburn School District. Later this month, Jill will be guest posting for a day...


Educators: Looking for information to share with families?

Roth IRA - Education

Ready Washington seeks to be a resource for educators looking for information and materials about Washington’s learning standards, aligned assessments, and career pathway planning. We also hope that educators will use Ready WA as a...


Newport students keep ‘active minds’ during The Summer of STEM

Kindergarten - Recreation

The recipe for summer learning in Newport, Wash., looks like one part science lab, one part reading room, and two parts fun. The 80 students participating in The Summer of STEM program are building roller coasters, creating...


A Year in Review

Education - Student

Congratulations to Washington students and teachers for completing another school year! And special congratulations to the Class of 2018! Whether you are graduating from high school or a postsecondary institution or program, you should be incredibly proud...