Top 3 Reasons to Take the Smarter Balanced Assessment

Product - Product design

How can you make the most of your Smarter Balanced scores? Check out our top three reasons in the fact sheet below. The Opt In for Student Success contest encourages students to use their voices...


Opt In for Student Success

School Security: How to Build and Strengthen a School Safety Program - Paul Timm

Opt In for Student Success encourages students to use their voices to talk about a high-quality education and the value of assessments in preparing for college, work, and life.


What Students are Saying About the Smarter Balanced Assessment

Public Relations - Online advertising

Opt In for Student Success encourages students to use their voices to talk about a high-quality education and the value of assessments in preparing for education and training after high school, on the career pathway...


Washington Test Guide for Parents

Multimedia - Web page

Check out this online tool to help you interpret your child's Smarter Balanced score report. Often, a score report can raise more questions than answers, but we think the Washington Test Guide, brought to you...


School Poster: What Does Your Future Look Like?

Poster - Graphic design

By 2021, Washington state will offer more than 700,000 job openings. Most of these jobs will be filled with workers who get a credential after high school, such as a degree, apprenticeship, or certificate. These...


UW Dream Project: Mentoring the Next Generation

Computer - Computer operator

The University of Washington's Dream Project assists low-income and first-generation high school students in attaining higher education and to raise awareness among university students about the issues of educational opportunity and social mobility. UW students...