2023-2024 Ready WA Storyteller Hojoon shares tips and tricks to tackle college applications

Applying for college? Hojoon, one of our 2023-2024 storytellers, shares his top tips on how to approach college applications and essays. Check out his video for advice! Click below to watch! https://youtu.be/kymPG6MKhaQ


What to take with you

By: Izzy Rampersad, a 2023-2024 Ready WA Storyteller Congratulations Class of 2024, you’ve graduated… now what? For me, it’s been two months of work, getting moved into my freshman dorm, and starting college. I imagine...


To students prepping for college: Which dorm should you choose?

By James Larson, a 2023-2024 Ready WA Storyteller Housing is a subtle part of every student's college experience. Even websites with tons of useful information often neglect to go over the impact of a student's living conditions....


You committed to the college of your choice, now what?

by Hannah Phanitchob, a 2023-2024 Ready WA Storyteller INTRODUCTION In my previous Ready WA work, I talked a lot about applying for college and all that fun stuff, but this time I’ll be answering the...


A story of resilience, a call to listen

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Discovering my passion for art

By Olivia Schaer, a 2023-2024 Ready WA Storyteller I have waited for an opportunity to be focused, to deploy talents and passions I possess naturally and maintain with practice. This experience can be hard to...