Get to Know Betül: Ready WA 2024-2025 Storyteller ✨
Q: What should we call you?
A: Betül
Q: Where are you originally from?
Betül: Izmir, Turkey 🌍
Q: Where do you currently live?
Betül: Bothell, WA 🏡
Q: Where do you go to school?
Betül: Central Washington University 🎓
Q: What year are you in?
Betül: I’m a college freshman! 🎒
Q: Tell us a fun fact or something surprising about you. What are some of your hobbies?
Betül: I can speak 3 languages! Other than English, I speak Turkish and Russian.🗣️ As for my hobbies, I love traveling, thrifting, and doing Pilates. ✈️🛍️🤸
Q: Why did you decide to become a Ready WA storyteller?
Betül: There’s not enough representation of the opportunities in the aviation field, especially for women. I wanted to share more information about career options and ways to get involved in aviation because it’s something I was searching for when I was in high school. ✈️👩✈️
Q: What are your goals for this program?
Betül: I want to practice my storytelling and writing skills and learn how to work with different formats to share stories in meaningful ways. ✍️📚
Betul is excited to inspire others and explore her passion for aviation as a Ready WA Storyteller this year! Stay tuned for more from her journey. ✨