Post-High School Resume Packet

Filed Under: Blog

By Izzy Rampersad 

Hi! My name is Izzy, and I am a senior this year in Seattle Public Schools. I’ve put together this packet of resume templates to help you with your post high school plans. Best of luck to you!

There are a lot of different paths following high school and all of them require resumes. Here are some templates to help you craft professional-looking resumes that reflect your strengths for whatever your post high school path is!

The three types of resumes in this packet include:

First some notes before we begin:

  1. Resumes should always be on one page and one page only!
    • This may seem impossible, but it has helped me to really think about what different people in different settings will find intriguing.
  2. Be truthful on your resume – I know, not new advice, but it’s really important.
    • You should always be able to discuss any element of your resume in detail
    • The more unique a line is on your resume, the more likely you will be asked about it in an interview
    • For skills that you have experience in but are not proficient at, you can state a class that you’ve taken under education rather than the skill under special skills
  3. Be proud of what you have accomplished!
    • For some people one page feels like a large space to fill – that’s okay!
    • List as much as you can and then highlight the things you are most proud of
      • Add extra descriptions or bold sections to create visual emphasis
    • Even if you don’t think you have done as much as someone else, presenting what you have accomplished with confidence is far better than 0” margins 😊

(Special thank you to my Academy of Finance Teacher Eric Blazevic for his teaching and template on professional resumes!)

Izzy is a 2023-24 Ready Washington storyteller and a high school senior in Seattle Public Schools.