Opt In for Student Success encourages students to use their voices to talk about a high-quality education and the value of assessments in preparing for college, work, and life.

Meet Some of Our Opt In Winners

Annie, Mount Si High School (Snoqualmie)

Brennan, Sammamish High School (Bellevue)

Caedmon, Marysville Getchell High School

Elizabeth, Decatur High School (Federal Way)

Ethan, Timberline High School

Jaycee, South Kitsap High School (Port Orchard)

Lindsey, Henry M. Jackson High School (Mill Creek)

Michelle, Prescott High School

Noel, Oak Harbor High School

Sarah, Marysville Getchell High School

Travis, Stanwood High School

Zander, Foss High School (Tacoma)