Medical Lake School District: Every Student, Every Day

Lake Washington High School - Medical Lake School district

Educators in Medical Lake School District have clear motto that focuses their work in helping their students reach high expectations. "Students need to be a part of their education. It's something done with them, not...


Next Generation Science Standards: Hands-On Learning

School district - School

Matt Whitton and Victoria Wells teach science in different, smaller school districts in southwestern Washington. The two districts, Kalama and Ridgefield, sit about 20 minutes apart on the Interstate 5 corridor. Whitton, who teaches 7th...


2013 National Teacher of the Year Supports State Standards and Increased Learning Expectations

Forehead - Entrepreneur

Since being named 2013 National Teacher of the Year, Jeff Charbonneau has seen the inside of an airplane just about as much in a few short months as he’s seen in his entire life. The...