Congratulations to Washington students and teachers for completing another school year! And special congratulations to the Class of 2018! Whether you are graduating from high school or a postsecondary institution or program, you should be incredibly proud of all your hard work and success. Well done!
As summer begins, the Ready Washington coalition is reflecting on the past year of work together. We are excited to share some highlights with you!

Ready WA Highlights: 2017–18
The Ready Washington coalition seeks to build awareness, understanding, and support for college and career ready learning standards and assessments, and how they help students prepare for success after high school. During the 2017–2018 school year, that mission has taken many forms as we connect with students, parents, teachers, administrators, and advocates.
Here are some highlights from Ready Washington during the 2017–2018 school year:
✓ Released Nine Videos, Including Two Video Series, Highlighting Best Career and College Ready Practices Across Washington
The videos feature positive stories about career and college ready efforts around the state:
- October: #PlanYourPathWA
- November: Mandy Manning, 2018 Teacher of the Year: “Believe in Yourself”
- January: Student Voices Series: “College is an Opportunity”
- February: Parent Voices Series: “Education Opens Doors”
- April: Science Education in WA: Learning with ‘Hands and Minds’
Watch all the Ready Washington videos at ReadyWA.org/Videos.
✓ Partnering with Parents
Ready Washington concluded its second parent engagement project with two middle schools in Bothell and Tukwila. The project included a workshop in Spanish for parents about the High School and Beyond Plan, as well as a family engagement training for educators. We finished the project with a bilingual coalition meetingfeaturing parents and teachers who participated in the project.
✓ Amplifying Student Voice: Opt In for Student Success
Ready Washington held its third “Opt In for Student Success” contest in early 2018 to amplify student voice in support of assessments and career and college readiness. As in years past, Washington public high school students uploaded a 30-second video to social media in which they voiced why they “opt in for a better education.” Ready Washington announced the winners of the contest on March 30th, and many of the students are featured in this Buzzfeed list.
✓ Elevating Teacher Voice Through Statewide Teacher Network

✓ School Poster: “What Does Your Future Look Like?”

To spark students’ thinking about their future career paths, Ready Washington released this poster, mailing it to all middle schools, high schools, and skills centers around the state. We continue to receive requests from schools for the posters. If you are interested in new posters to decorate the halls of your school next year, let us know, and we would be happy to mail them to you. You can also download the digital version by clicking here.
✓ Back to School Information for Families About Standards and Assessments

In preparation for the 2017–2018 school year, Ready Washington released an updated Back to School one-pager for students and families. Available in 16 languages, this flyer provides high-level information about Washington’s K-12 learning standards and Smarter Balanced assessments. Check out this Medium post for more info.
✓ Infographics Help Students Plan their Path

Ready Washington concluded its second parent engagement project with two middle schools in Bothell and Tukwila. The project included a workshop in Spanish for parents about the High School and Beyond Plan, as well as a family engagement training for educators. We finished the project with a bilingual coalition meeting featuring parents and teachers who participated in the project.
✓ Spotlighting Student, Teacher, and Parent Voices
Ready Washington used Medium to produce 23 blog posts during the school year. Among the posts were guest posts from Washington teachers, two Classroom Snapshots (inside accounts of what teachers and students cover in a day), and a post in Spanish highlighting parent voices. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to get all future updates!
✓ Promoting WA Science Learning Standards: #WAScience4All

Ready Washington exists because of the support from teachers, parents, students, administrators, advocates, and our partners. We are grateful for the opportunity to work together so every Washington student is prepared to pursue the pathway of their choice after high school. Thank you for your support this year, and enjoy your summer!